…how could I not be when I go to a place with very loud music, mostly drek. The people around me are all hopped up and a good bit sweaty. The girls all have on tight clothes, pants related to the yoga family, and the guys wear tight T-shirts with a half pound of product in their hair.

Well for me, that would be true a decade plus back, and I’m not talking about the hair gel. Of course I’m talking about the franchise gym I go to that used to be a club. Now it’s somewhat ironic that I spend so much time there now, as my older siblings had went there years before when it was a club.

Now as a creative with a great imagination, I’ll see if I can compare the two time periods.

In the one area that has the core \ back machines; where I was really proud of myself because I was able to do a full stack (gym talk!!!) on the contraption where you push yourself back, I wondered if that was part of the dance floor, for dancing. As dancers go, I’m a better golfer, and I don’t golf, so you can imagine what I look like dancing. And I won’t lie, I’m not above bobbing my head to some really intense smooth jazz, or doing various moves when Pandora brings on Imagine Dragons, but I make sure I do so out of view of the cameras, people, and mirrors… For obvious reasons.

The weight training area is a big open part, with mirrors all over the walls, which I don’t think is a mainstay of clubs back in the day or today. On the second level is where all the cardio equipment is, with two long rows of treadmills and a lower area with ellipticals; that I read on the internet don’t really do anything for you after a certain point but because the internet said so it’s gotta be true!

Then of course there’s the locker room \ bathrooms, hopefully cleaner now as opposed to then. I store my gear in the lower one and there’s this granite counter top where I’ll see various stains from energy drinks or powders from shakes. One doesn’t have to wonder that deeply into the potentials that where you have meat heads putting HGH in their asses today, similar meatheads were trying the molly with, umm, whatever method gets those horse tranqs in the best. Today it’s lines of protein powder, back then it was bumps of acid. Shots of top shelf gin and brandy then, five hour energy drinks now.

I could go on, but sufficiently embarrassed myself I think.

So there you go, bridging two worlds. Spending five nights a week at a place that I’ve never been to. Eh, then again, there was a time when I had never gone to a franchise gym before either, so anything is possible!